Undergraduate Accounting Study Program Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, has held a Curriculum Socialization Meeting in 2020 and preparation of RPS phase 2 (two)
Undergraduate Accounting Study Program Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Has held a Curriculum Socialization Meeting in 2020 and the preparation of the RPS, this time the meeting was held offline by complying with the health protocol, Also attending the meeting were all the Curriculum Team Committees and the RPS Development Team of FEB Accounting Study Program Unud, this meeting was directly chaired by the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Study Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (Dr. I GAM Asri Dwija Putri, SE., M, Si., CMA), this meeting discussed the RPS, Syllabus, and Task Plans Students (RTM) use the latest format and adapt to the 2020 curriculum and update according to the latest developments in industry 4.0.