Udayana University Will Open New Student Admission Selection Mandiri Path

Denpasar - Rector of Udayana University A.A Raka Sudewi held a meeting with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the Head of BAKH, the Head of the BPKU, the Chair of the USDI and the Team and the Academic Section at the GDLN Building, Friday (05/08/2020). The meeting was held by implementing the Covid-19 prevention protocol.

Unud Rector Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi in his direction said that this meeting was very important in responding to the registration of new students in the midst of a pandemic while still referring to the Covid-19 prevention protocol. The Chancellor also appreciated the Team's performance in preparing for the admission of new students at Udayana University.

The registration for Mandiri Path Selection is likely to be carried out in conjunction with the SBMPTN registration, given the time constraints resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. For this reason, the Chancellor requested that the end of the Mandiri Track registration period be extended to provide opportunities for those who did not pass the SBMPTN. The Chancellor also plans to reduce the cost of registration selection that adjusts to current conditions.

While the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara at the meeting reported the system that was built by involving USDI. The draft announcement for socialization to the public regarding technical implementation of the Mandiri Path selection has also been prepared. It is hoped that this meeting will get clarity of the process that will be carried out, bearing in mind that if it is not carried out immediately it will be hit with a very short registration time, and this will also have an impact on capacity. The independent path is the final selection path to complete the capacity to enter Udayana University. It is hoped that information regarding this selection path can be immediately disseminated to the public, which will be uploaded on the university's official website, www.unud.ac.id and the registration process will take place online.