Realizing Superior Vision and Action, BEM FEB Unud Holds Rakertif I 2024
The Udayana University Economics and Business Student Executive Board (BEM FEB Unud) held the First Executive Working Meeting (Rakertif), which took place on Tuesday, January 23, 2024, in Room BH 3.2, Sudirman Campus, FEB Unud. Rakertif I is one of the work programs under the Quality Assurance and Organizational Synergy Bureau (PMSO) BEM FEB Unud, with activities in the form of meetings that aim to provide discussion space for executive institutions within FEB Unud to discuss agendas that will be implemented during the next period.
This activity was attended by representatives from 8 institutions, namely BEM, BSO Sde, BSO Wida, BSO KSPM, Hima Management, Hima Economic Development, Hima Accounting, and Hima Diploma. This research is focused on increasing synergy between executive institutions within the FEB Unud environment, which is innovative, especially in discussing the dates of work programs implemented by all executive institutions within the FEB Unud environment and the intensity and urgency of implementing these work programs.
Rakertif I 2024 was held offline in Room BH 3.2, Sudirman Campus, FEB Unud, which began with an opening by the MC performance, a report from the head of the committee, and various chairs of BEM FEB Unud, as well as opening the Rakertif I event. The event continued with presentations from each executive institution within FEB Unud and discussion sessions. This was then continued with the closing ceremony, which closed with the appearance of the MC.
The implementation of the Rakertif I event has run smoothly in accordance with the initial objectives of the activity, although in the series of activities there are still several obstacles. However, all obstacles experienced by the organizing committee were well overcome. "For the 2024 First Rakertif, it has gone well, but there are several obstacles, namely the gathering of PPT institutions, which takes quite a long time, and the time for Rakertif activities, which is quite short and changing," said Dewa Ayu Dwi Chandra Putri as Chair of the 2024 First Rakertif Committee. The success of the First Rakertif event brings hope to all parties regarding the output that will result from this event. With the implementation of this work program, it is hoped that executive institutions within FEB Unud can discuss and harmonize perceptions regarding the agenda that will be implemented. Apart from that, by holding this activity, it is also hoped that it can create a synergistic student institution by optimizing its role as a student institution and becoming an active and innovative institution in carrying out activities to increase quality output to support the faculty's vision and mission.