Innovating to create a marketing strategy, Tictac Team won second place in Kasinfo National Competition #7
Udayana University's Faculty of Economics and Business students, namely the Tictac Team consisting of students from the Bachelor of Management Study Program, Agus Ari Widana, Ni Putu Delia Nandita, and his colleague from the Accounting Study Program, Ni Made Dwika Putri, won second place in the Kasinfo National Competition #7 national level held on November 20–26, 2022. In this competition, the Tictac Team was accompanied by Dr. Gede Bayu Rahanatha, S.E., M.M., as the supervisor. Kasinfo National Competition #7 is a competition that provides opportunities for students throughout Indonesia to improve their skills in marketing and become a forum for developing potential in creative and innovative marketing planning, and the Tictac Team has succeeded in proving its ability and competing with four universities. Kasinfo National Competition #7 in 2023 has the theme "Building Strategies for Innovative and Creative Entrepreneurs," which is carried out with the aim of increasing student creativity in solving problems in the marketing field and opening students' insights to obtain new strategies in marketing in an increasingly competitive era. By participating in this competition, students are expected to be able to express their creative ideas in the field of entrepreneurship and become the first step in realizing their creative ideas in the form of business proposals.
The Tictac Team revealed the process they went through in participating in this competition. "First, we got information from Instagram about the opening of the Kasinfo National Competition #7 marketing plan competition held by the National Education University. Then we tried to take part in the competition because this was the first time, so we also needed enough time to learn to work on the proposal between classes. After sending the marketing proposal, we waited for the results of the announcement for the top 5 presentations, and it turned out that we also passed to do the next stage, namely the presentation. The presentation was done online. However, on that day, we felt quite inferior to our opponents because they were very experienced in this field. My team also tried their best to display what had been prepared beforehand so that we could finally get this second place," he said.
A competition is not only about winning or losing but also about how students can process and get valuable output from the competition. Competitions can help students develop skills and knowledge in their field of interest. In addition, competitions can also help students improve their ability to communicate, work in teams, and overcome challenges. Not only that, competitions can also be a means to measure students' abilities and achievements. By participating in competitions, students can find out the extent of their abilities in certain fields and gain valuable experience to improve their future achievements. In line with that, Dwika Putri, a member of the Tictac Team, revealed that she gained valuable experience while participating in this marketing competition. "Because this is a marketing plan competition, I gained valuable experience in developing a marketing plan for a company and was able to hone my skills in analyzing companies and then suggesting several marketing techniques that are suitable for the company. This kind of competition opens the door for students to apply the theories they learn in class to the real world, create real marketing plans, and face challenges that they may not encounter in textbooks," he said.
During the competition process, the Tictac team faced obstacles in understanding the competition criteria and guidelines, which were considered incomplete. However, they did not give up. Thanks to the help of various parties. The obstacles faced can be resolved properly, especially by the supervisor, Dr. Gede Bayu Rahanatha, S.E., M.M., who always accompanied and provided various suggestions to the Tictac Team during the competition. (rsa&lvn)