Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, has held a Curriculum Revision Meeting through Online Media

Accounting Study Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Has Conducted Curriculum Revision Meetings through Online Media, Also Present at the Meeting were all the FEB Accounting Study Program Curriculum Committee Committees, this meeting was directly chaired by the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Study Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business University Udayana (Dr. I GAM Asri Dwija Putri, SE., M, Si., CMA), This Curriculum Meeting discusses the Profile of graduates, Making Matrix of Subjects, CPL and changing the name of Courses. Then the results of this Meeting can be decided on the Graduate Profile and Learning Outcomes, Distribute Draft Matrix of Subjects and CPL, and change the name of the Accounting Seminar Course into Accounting Research.